Does dmt release in the brain? For decades, people have tried to explain near death experiences using a theory about how the mind releases its store of psychedelic substances into the brain. This theory is based on the belief that DMT – a substance often found in psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms – is released during dying.
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While this concept has been widely accepted, there is no proof that DMT actually does release in the brain and many have argued that this is an unlikely possibility. However, DMT does have a presence in the human brain and has been found to affect a variety of neuronal activity.
The mechanism of DMT formation requires the biosynthesis of tryptamine by a double methylation reaction catalyzed by indolethylamine-N-methyltransferase (INMT). INMT mRNA was identified in peripheral tissues at high levels in rabbits17 and humans18 but no evidence has been seen of INMT mRNA in brain areas.
Studies of INMT in the periphery are important for elucidating the mechanisms of endogenous DMT production. In addition, the immediate availability of TA to INMT in the periphery should be demonstrated and studies should also be performed to determine whether AADC is co-localized with INMT in peripheral tissues. Moreover, the rapid transport of AADC from peripheral tissue to the brain could also be studied. This would require the use of sensitive and well validated antibodies and probes for detection of AADC in brain as well as peripheral tissues.