Whether you need a full time nanny service chicago, a sitter for occasional needs or a tutor to help your child with math, Second City Nannies can help find the right role model for your family. The team of professionals has helped celebrity moms like T.V. personality Maureen Mahar, as well as professional sports athletes, including Josh Osich of the Chicago White Sox. Their nannies are experienced, qualified and compassionate.

Choosing between a nanny or a sitter is an essential childcare decision with profound consequences for family dynamics and quality of care. Nannies offer comprehensive, long-term involvement in children’s lives and command higher salaries than babysitters who are paid by the hour with no added benefits. Understanding these differences, as well as legal and financial considerations is key for a successful match.

“Top Nanny Service Providers in Chicago

A customized search is conducted to match your family with high caliber nannies who are thoroughly interviewed and referenced. The agency also provides extensive background checks and guarantees the hired nanny for the needed duration of the contract.

Summer nannies provide a stimulating and enriching experience for school age children. Families can hire an experienced temporary nanny to accompany them on vacation or assist with childcare during the summer months. Unlike traditional day care, these summer nannies are specialized to meet your specific childcare needs and provide a unique cultural exchange for your child.